Progressing Neurodiversity At Work 2023: Online Conference ft. Tyler Shores

30 March, 2023 @ 9:00 am - Online

In partnership with the Institute of Government and Public Policy, Cambridge Thinklab senior member Tyler Shores participated in this online conference discussing neurodiversity in the workplace.



Valuing neurodiversity is essential for creating and enhancing inclusive workplaces, recognising the importance of neurodiverse experiences, and supporting everybody to succeed and flourish.

Neurodiversity is an umbrella term including ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette syndrome, OCD and complex tic disorders. The majority of neurodivergent conditions may be invisible, yet without sufficient support, neurodivergent individuals will struggle in conventional workplace settings and are disproportionately discriminated against. Taking action to promote neurodiversity can unlock the talent of neurodiverse employees, strengthen workplace practices, acknowledge individual needs through flexible arrangements, and foster a positive culture where neurodiversity is accepted and celebrated.

Following the success of IGPP’s Progressing Neurodiversity at Work 2022 and Celebrating Neurodiversity at Work 2022 events, this event will examine the key barriers facing neurodivergent individuals in the workplace and the opportunities to overcome these in developing a supportive working environment. By broadening an understanding of neurodiversity, the event will explore the next steps to break barriers facing neurodivergent people in the workplace across a range of sectors and career stages. Through a range of open discussions and practical tips around workplace and communication practices, the event will feature the benefits of attracting, promoting, and retaining neurodivergent talent. The event will incorporate keynote presentations, case studies, and lived experiences, highlighting best practices in the workplace and their future progression.

For more information about the conference, click here.