Productivity workshops for researchers with Professor Inger Mewburn aka The Thesis Whisperer at Wolfson College, Cambridge

5 June 2023

Our ThinkLab Visiting Scholar, Professor Inger Mewburn, will be running two superb in-person workshops on academic productivity Saturday, June 10 at Wolfson College.

Here’s more information on the productivity workshops from our friends at Wolfson College (see their website for all of the details):

“Join Professor Inger Mewburn, also known online as the Thesis Whispererfor one or both workshops to help increase your productivity: Getting sh!t done and Building a second brain (for writing)

10:00-12:00 Getting sh!t done – Book a place

Do you find yourself distracted by dozens of little tasks, which stop you getting to your big ones?

Do you procrastinate, or sometimes spend far too long looking at cat videos on TikTok?

Are you always busy but feel like you get nothing done? This workshop is for you!

Professor Mewburn will help you better understand the specific problems of managing your workload in academia and show you a range of tools and techniques for getting sh!t done.

Sign up to stop drowning in work and start doing it. Refreshments will be available beforehand.

13:30-15:30 Building a second brain (for writing) – Book a place

When you sit down to write a paper, book or thesis, do your notes help or hinder? Do you write a lot of notes and then have trouble finding them again? If you are struggling to keep all your research ‘stuff’ tidy and useful, this workshop is for you!

In this workshop Professor Mewburn will introduce you to several well known, systematic note taking methods. You’ll explore these techniques in detail to find out what might work for you. We’ll then explore a couple of systems for keeping your notes so you can find them again. We’ll look at both analogue and digital note keeping systems and explore the relative merits of each.

The idea of this workshop is to equip you for super writing productivity – for life. If this productivity nerd-fest sounds like heaven to you, sign up! Refreshments will be available beforehand.”



Thesis Whisperer productivity workshops at Wolfson College Cambridge