New: Cambridge ThinkLab Shut Up & Write! Group

16 August 2023


Inspired by Our ThinkLab Visiting Research Scholar, Inger Mewburn (The Thesis Whisperer)’s blog post, the Cambridge Thinklab is inviting new members to join in our own experimental Shut Up & Write!


The format will consist of regular weekly meetups of 2-3 hours of working side by side with other individuals (we will provide a department or College or University seminar room for everyone), sectioned into 20-30 minutes of nonstop, focused writing followed by short social breaks.


If you would like to join us, please fill out our short Expression of Interest Form.

More Information on Shut Up and Write!

By combining solitary with social, this writing tactic helps ease distractions and provides motivation to keep writing with peers around you. This concept, hailing from the creative writers of the San Francisco Bay Area, has evolved into a non-profit foundation with a global reach among research students and academics. The essence is straightforward: gather in a cafĂ©, preferably one with ample power outlets, and write together. The goal is to infuse the writing process with enjoyment and relaxation, as exemplified by the San Francisco group’s ethos: no criticism, exercises, lectures, ego, competition, or guilt.


If this is something you’d be interested in, please fill out the following survey with some basic information, and we will try to schedule a time and date that works best with most people’s schedules.


If you want to practice some focused writing time, check out this helpful list of free pomodoro apps or this pomodoro timer video on YouTube to give you some structure for your focused writing time.
Update: For those of us joining our sessions, how can we make our writing meetups even more productive? Please feel out the very short questionnaire below!
Shut up and write! Cambridge ThinkLab

Shut up and write! Cambridge ThinkLab