Welcome to ThinkLab, Aurelia Deflandre!

25 March 2024

We are thrilled to welcome our newest ThinkLab Visiting Policy Fellow, Aurelia Deflandre!

Aurelia is the Neurodiversity Advocacy lead for Google Ireland and co-chair of the Disability Alliance in Dublin. She is a late-diagnosed neurodivergent woman working in the Tech industry for 15 years. She collaborates with other Tech corporations, Irish charities and neuro-minorities to increase awareness, advocacy and support for Neurodivergent communities locally and globally.

Aurelia was part of the first-ever ThinkLab Future of Work Hackathon. Check out her talk on the future of work for neurodiverse individuals:

What is Aurelia looking forward to with the ThinkLab?  “I’m excited to work on broadening the view of what the future of work can look like. A place where everyone can uniquely contribute in an environment that adapts to their individuals needs and create a sense of belonging for all.”

We also sat down with Aurelia for an interview in discussing the importance of inclusivity in the workplace and the need for flexibility to accommodate diverse needs. Drawing from her personal experiences and work at Google, she advocates for incorporating lived experiences into workplace design and systems:

Aurelia Deflandre cambridge thinklab