Get Ready for the ThinkLab Hackathon!

7 December 2023

The countdown to the ThinkLab Hackathon is almost at an end!

We are on the brink of a unique gathering, where creativity, innovation, and teamwork will come to life within the historic walls of Jesus College, Cambridge. As we gear up for two days of engaging activities, teamwork, and problem-solving, we want to ensure that you are fully prepared and as thrilled about the event as we are.

Here is What to Look Forward To:

Vibrant Atmosphere: The Webb Library and other key locations within Jesus College will come alive with the energy of bright minds and enthusiastic discussions. We are hosting a diverse group of thinkers and doers, ready to tackle challenges and create innovative solutions.

Inclusive Environment: We are dedicated to creating a comfortable and accessible experience for everyone. The Bain Room and quieter corridors are set up as calm zones, offering a peaceful retreat whenever you need it.

Engaging Sessions: From thought-provoking keynotes to collaborative ideation sessions, each moment is designed to spark your creativity and encourage meaningful connections.

A Chance to Shine: The event concludes with a showcase of your hard work. It is a time to celebrate your achievements, whether you are in the spotlight or supporting from the sidelines.

The Webb Library, Jesus College

Get Prepared:

To ensure you have the best possible experience, we recommend reviewing the following documents ahead of the event:

  1. Neurodiversity Inclusion and Access Plan: Understand our commitment to creating an inclusive environment and the measures in place to support all participants.
  2. Rules of Engagement: Familiarise yourself with the guidelines that will shape our interactions and teamwork during the event.
  3. Detailed Event Programme: Get a clear picture of what each day will entail, so you can plan your participation and make the most of every session.
  4. Sensory Guide and Social Story: Learn about the sensory aspects of the event and the social dynamics you can expect, ensuring you are comfortable and prepared for the Hackathon experience.

Join the Excitement:

This Hackathon is more than an event – it is a community coming together to drive change and innovation.  Stay tuned for more updates, and prepare to be part of something truly special.

We cannot wait to see you there!
